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CCFB News» November 2019

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Team Recruitment

11/13/2019 @ 12:30 pm

Signup begins for 2019-21 CCFB Action teams/ Volunteer Opportunities. The CCFB has 5 teams made up of excited members with an interest in a strong farming presence in Cook County and a quality Farm Bureau Organization. We are always seeking individuals with a passion for farming and Farm Bureau who wish to give time, energy and enthusiasm locally.

100 Years of Cook County Farm Bureau!

11/13/2019 @ 11:15 am

On March 28, 2020, Cook County Farm Bureau will be holding an open house for members and the public to come together to celebrate the 100year birthday of Cook County Farm Bureau.

New Federal Mandate for Driver’s License Upgrades

11/07/2019 @ 7:05 am

A congressional mandate under MAP-21, final rule published in 2016, seeks to enhance safety by requiring entry-level driver training (ELDT).  As a result, beginning on February 7, 2020, before a driver may apply for or upgrade to a Class A or B CDL or seek an endorsement for hazardous materials (H), passengers (P), or school busses (S), the driver must complete entry-level driver training.

Water Fun Facts!

11/05/2019 @ 2:45 pm

Some facts on Water, From the Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom SM Calendar for Teachers,

This Month in Cook County Agriculture

11/05/2019 @ 12:45 pm

Visit Cook County Farm Bureau® member Farms, Greenhouse & Garden Centers for all your planting needs!

Voting Members Receive "SNAP" Viewpoint Survey

11/05/2019 @ 8:45 am

In October, Farm Bureau voting members who have provided their email addresses received a “SNAP” Viewpoint Survey.  The purpose of this survey was to gauge members’ thoughts on the Cook County Forest Preserve District’s possible property tax increase.

Chicago Anti-Animal Ordinance

11/05/2019 @ 7:45 am

City of Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez followed through on his threat to introduce an ordinance to limit livestock from residential areas without a “Livestock Permit” from the Commissioner of Health. “Livestock” includes domesticated four-legged farm animals, including, but not limited to swine, sheep, and goats.  The ordinance also limits “fowl” which includes any poultry or waterfowl.  “Roosters” are defined separately.

Holiday Porch Planter Workshop

At Clarke's Garden Center
11/04/2019 @ 1:25 pm

Join us Saturday, November 23rd at 10 AM, at Clarke’s Garden Center, 2061 E 14th St, Lynwood. “Mike "Greenhouse" Chubinski, the Horticulture Specialist at Clarke's Garden Center will be teaching this workshop. Done with fresh greenery and festive colors, this potted beauty will grace your porch or patio for the season.

Family Farm and Food Byte

11/04/2019 @ 12:10 pm

Longer Lasting Avocados? (Chicago Tribune) – A new technology that extends the life of avocados and other produce is coming soon to grocery stores nationwide. Apeel Sciences, a California startup that aims to reduce food waste by giving produce a spoilage-resistant skin, announced that its longer-lasting avocados will be sold at more than 1,100 Kroger grocery stores across the country.

Advocates Call for Aldermen to Negotiate Horse Carriage Ordinance and Rules

11/04/2019 @ 8:25 am

For several years Chicago horse carriage operators and aldermen have been at odds over the operation of carriages on city streets.  Opponents of the carriages claim that they are antiquated and a relic of Chicago’s history.  Proponents of the carriage argue that what truly needs to be revised is the ordinance and rules the governing the operation of Chicago’s horse carriages. 

Nationally Recognized Cook County Farm Bureau Program Donates $3,500 to Local Food Pantries

11/04/2019 @ 7:00 am

This summer, Farm Bureau launched the “Food Pantry Challenge” to engage consumers and provide financial donations to local food pantries.

Webinar for Farmers & Agricultural Businesses

Presented by ComEd Agriculture Energy Efficiency Program
11/03/2019 @ 4:30 pm

Webinar for Farmers & Agricultural Businesses, presented by ComEd Agriculture Energy Efficiency Program on Tuesday, November 19, at 8 A.M. Participants will be able to participate from their farm, home, tractor, combine…anywhere, using their phone or pc! Details & Registration at the Member Center or by calling 708-354-3276 or email [email protected].

Professional Members receive “How are we doing?” Survey

11/03/2019 @ 8:45 am

Several years ago, the Illinois Farm Bureau created a new voting membership class to serve individuals that work in the agricultural sector but do not farm.

From the Country

Snuff Out Danger From Seasonal Fires

A turkey's roasting in the oven, the stovetop's full with all the fixings. The table is set with fine silver and beautifully burning candles.To many, it's the ideal holiday scene.To fire prevention experts, it's a scene that could go terribly wrong within a matter of seconds.

Build a Holiday Centerpiece

11/02/2019 @ 12:20 pm

Cook County Farm Bureau will be hosting a craft night on Tuesday, November 19, from 6:30-9 p.m. No artistic experience required as step-by-step guidance will be provided.

Winter Wellness with Essential Oils Rollerball Make & Take Workshop

11/02/2019 @ 10:45 am

Don't let seasonal threats take you down, learn how to fight back naturally! Learn tips on how to boost your immune system, deal with seasonal issues, and keep you and your family healthy this season with essential oils.

Farm Bureau Advocates for Clearer Zoning Regulationsulations

11/02/2019 @ 8:10 am

In partnership with Cook County Zoning Committee Chair Peter Silvestri and his staff, Farm Bureau secured clean-up language to the Cook County Zoning Code regarding the minimum acreage required for the care and keeping of horses by private owners in Cook County.

Manolos, Manifolds, and Manure

11/01/2019 @ 1:45 pm | By Bona Heinsohn, CAE

Last fall I wrote about my blue-eyed girl who quietly entered the world one hot Father’s Day kicking it around a barrel pattern. Despite her inability (and lack of desire) to ride a bike she’s learned to lope and more importantly to stay in the saddle.

Ag Lit Bit

Thankful for "the team"
11/01/2019 @ 12:00 pm | By Diane Merrion

Our “team” of ag literacy professionals is out and about and running full steam ahead as you read this. Their schedules are full and winning record continues, just like our Chicago Bears (hopefully as of this writing). We all play an important role both here at the farm bureau and out at the schools. Here’s a look at some similarities between football terms and our Ag In the Classroom world in Cook County.

Recipe of the Month

Fresh Tomato Soup
11/01/2019 @ 10:30 am

Recipe reprinted with permission from member Janet McCabe CCFB President & Farmer, from our 2019 Cookfresh Recipe Collection Brochure, available online at

At the Farm Gate

Harvest Traditions Shine Through Challenges
11/01/2019 @ 8:20 am | By Joanie Stiers

Much of what I love about farm life convenes in a corn field on a harvest evening: crisp fall air, incredible sunsets, comfort foods and the synergy of family and employees-who-are-like-family working together to gather the harvest. Ideally, only the delivery of a hot meal interrupts the harvest pace, not a breakdown.


"Creating a Hamburger is an Art Form"
11/01/2019 @ 7:00 am | By Bob Rohrer, CAE, FBCM, Manager

We had a family dinner the other evening in Oak Brook. My wife asked me what I was thinking about ordering and I replied with a straight face “an Impossible Burger” and the entire table burst out laughing. They know me. My son and his girlfriend rave about the new plant burgers and how much these fake meat burgers tastes like a real hamburger. Hmm… I can’t be objective because I do not plan on subjecting my taste buds to the fake stuff.

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