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100 Year Celebration

100 Year Celebration

Virtual Tour Timeline and Antique tool collection


ccfb 100 year drive through celebration photos


Planting of the Time Capsule



Cook County Farm Bureau's 100th anniversary celebratory coffee table book is now available.  A limited number of copies are available by contacting the Farm Bureau at (708) 354-3276.  Click here to view the book online.



Cook County Farm Bureau® Board

Resolution, July 8, 2020

Whereas, the Cook County Farm Bureau organization was created by a group of farmers in March of 1920, and


Whereas, the Cook County Farm Bureau Organization is celebrating its 100-year anniversary in the year 2020, and


Whereas, reaching the Centennial mark for any organization is a major accomplishment worthy of celebration, and


Whereas, the Cook County Farm Bureau has consistently advocated for good stewardship of the environment and our natural resources, and


Whereas, the White Oak (Quercus alba) was named the official state tree of Illinois in 1973, following a special poll of 900,000 Illinois schoolchildren, and


Whereas, the White Oak serves as a character symbol in many cultures including the characteristics of strength, longevity, service, stability, safety, achievement, peace, calmness, rebirth, and serenity, and


Whereas, the Cook County Farm Bureau has embodied these characteristics as an organization for the past 100 years and we seek to continue these characteristics for members in the future.


Now, therefore, be it resolved by the members of the Cook County Farm Bureau Board commemorate this White Oak tree on the grounds of the Cook County Farm Bureau Headquarters in Countryside for future Farm Bureau member families to enjoy, remember and value the agricultural heritage and future of this Farm Bureau organization.


Centennial Legacy Patio

Resolution October 14, 2020

Whereas, the Cook County Farm Bureau organization was created in March of 1920 by a group of progressive and innovative farmers, and


Whereas, the Cook County Farm Bureau is celebrating its 100-year anniversary in the year 2020, a substantial accomplishment for any organization, and


Whereas, the Cook County Farm Bureau building and grounds serves as a member service and gathering center as well as showcase for the organization, and


Whereas, the creation of a Centennial Legacy Patio provides a tribute to many members and families for their role in the historic success of the organization over the last century, and

Whereas, many members donated funds to purchase an engraved paver block to include in the patio to imprint their legacy and demonstrate support of agricultural literacy through the Cook County Farm Bureau Foundation and the Ag in the Classroom program, and


Whereas, the Cook County Farm Bureau and Foundation has consistently advocated for and provided agricultural education through the Ag in the Classroom program and seeks to continue these efforts in the future.


Now, therefore, be it resolved that the members of the Cook County Farm Bureau Board commemorate this Centennial Legacy Patio on the grounds of the Cook County Farm Bureau Headquarters in Countryside as a showcase to and for the many individuals and families that have embodied the spirit of this organization.


And be it further resolved that future Farm Bureau member families enjoy, remember and value the agricultural heritage, agricultural education legacy and future of Cook County Farm Bureau.


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