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Make a Donation to the Cook County Farm Bureau Foundation

Your Gifts Change Lives!


Contributors to the Cook County Farm Bureau® Foundation are forward-looking people who know that human life depends on the food and fiber provided by farmers and who know that this important message must reach urban consumers in Cook County.


The CCFB Foundation gratefully accepts donations to support agricultural programs in the areas of Education, Scholarships, Leadership and Research. We are a non-profit, charitable organization formed under the IRS Code 501(c)(3) in which donors' contributions and gifts are tax-deductible in accordance with Code Section 170. (Please consult your tax advisor for guidance).



 View our 2023 Annual report




Donation In Honor of Jim Gutzmer




General Donation



Volunteer for Foundation Sponsored Ag Literacy Activities

  • Farm Shadow Program is a wonderful opportunity for our future workforce to gain valuable insight into potential agriculture careers.  Through partnerships with our members farming or working in careers in agriculture, we hope to provide students with an understanding of how their school coursework connects to the myriad of jobs in our industry so they will come away with a better understanding of the skills needed to be successful.


               We are seeking agricultural business partners who want to help mentor young leaders in a variety of ways such as:


  1. Offering virtual job shadow opportunities at your business/farm.
  2. Opening your business or farm for one of our Ag Career Exploration events (we will work with the school and you to facilitate the experience.)


  • Ag Days - We host over 1,000 3rd grade students at several "farm" locations in March, April and May.  We are in need of volunteers to help in the preparation of the events and assisting during the events. 


  • Library "Farm Books" Reading Program - We work with various libraries in the Country to set up reading programs for agriculturally related children's books.  We are seeking individuals to serve as the reading volunteers as available.


  • Supporting Entrepreneurship in Urban Agriculture Grants - We are in need of volunteers to evaluate the grant request submissions from students and/or help mentor students seeking to create their own small agriculturally based business.







Monetary Donations

Monetary donations may be sent or presented in person to:


Cook County Farm Bureau Foundation

6438 Joliet Road

Countryside, IL 60525



Recognition levels on the Wall of Honor displayed at the Cook County Farm Bureau Office:


  • Emerald - $50,000+
  • Sapphire - $20,000
  • Diamond - $10,000
  • Platinum - $5,000
  • Gold - $1,000
  • Silver - $250
  • Bronze - $100


Items of Value

Items of value will be placed in the Foundation Silent Auction which is held annually in November.  Examples of donations include, but are not limited to: destination trips, sports memorabilia, antiques, tools, services, collectibles, Christmas decorations, event tickets, household goods and more!  Contact Bob or Melanie at 708-354-3276 for donation procedures or additional information.



Land, Estate, Stock, or Memorial Requests

Contact Bob or Melanie at 708-354-3276 for additional information or to discuss the process to donate assets to the CCFB Foundation.



Donor Recognition

In 2000, the Foundation Board contracted with Master Craftsman and Jim Gutzmer for the construction and creation of our Donor Wall of Honor.  Donors have the ability to move up the recognition "ladder" as gifts accumulate from year to year. 


Other Areas of Recognition...


- Thank yous to "larger" donors (single monetary donations of $100 or more) are published periodically in the Co-Operator, the monthly publication of the Cook County Farm Bureau.


- Donors of Silent Auction Items and winning silent auction bidders are recognized in the Co-Operator following the Annual November Silent Auction as a part of the Member Appreciation Banquet.


- The Top 25 Individual and Top 10 business donors to the CCFB Foundation are recognized annually as a part of the Annual Silent Auction materials.


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