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Anniversary Interviews

Anniversary Interviews

Dan Biernacki

Director 2008- Current

Board member Dan Biernacki recalls changes within agriculture and the horticultural industry during his 100-year anniversary interview.

Nick DeGroot Interview

Retired COUNTRY Financial Agency Manager

Retired COUNTRY Financial Agency Manager Nick DeGroot discusses his tenure as an agency manager and experiences within Cook County agriculture.

Janet McCabe Interview

Director 2011- Current

Cook County Farm Bureau President Janet McCabe reflects on agriculture and Farm Bureau during this 100-year interview.

Todd Price Interview

Director 2018- Current

Join board member Todd Price as he reflects on agriculture and the importance of explaining agriculture to consumers.

Mike Rauch

Director 2003- Current

Cook County Farm Bureau Vice President Mike Rauch strolls down "memory lane" during this interview.

Jack Smith Interview

Retired COUNTRY Financial Agency Manager

Retired COUNTRY Financial Agency Manager Jack Smith discusses his tenure in Cook County.

Tim Stuenkel Interview

Director 2014- 2022

Board member Tim Stuenkel reflects on growing up in agriculture and his tenure on the Cook County Board of Directors during this exclusive interview.

Mark Yunker Interview

Director 2001- Current

Board member Mark Yunker reflects on his experiences in agriculture and with the Cook County Farm Bureau.

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