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What We're Working On» March 2024

Consistent Egg Labels Act to Reduce Misleading Marketing

03/01/2024 @ 1:20 pm

A U.S. new bill, referred to as the Consistent Egg Labels Act, could soon prevent the practice of mislabeling imitation or plant-based egg products using the term “egg.”


The bill states that food can only be labeled as an egg or egg product if the food is, contains as a primary ingredient, or is derived from the reproductive output of avian poultry species, including an albumen or yolk, that was enclosed in a calcium-based shell.


If implemented, the rule would require egg companies to stop marketing egg alternative products with the word “egg” and require the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue draft guidance to enforce the rule within 90 days in the U.S.


The act would also require the FDA to report to Congress within two years of implementing the rule concerning the status, warnings issued, and penalties given. Additionally, the legislation would nullify any guidance with respect to eggs or egg products that is not consistent with its standards. Congresswomen Elise Stefanik and Susan Wild presented the act to Congress in January.


Cook County Farm Bureau continues to investigate food labeling and efforts to standardize label language in an effort to reduce food waste. Members with comments or ideas are encouraged to reach out to Bona Heinsohn at [email protected].

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