Manifolds, Manolos, and Manure...
Since 2010, Cook County Farm Bureau® has operated a Political Action Committee (PAC) designed to support candidates who are supportive of the policies, priorities and mission of the Farm Bureau while promoting the economic and social well-being of farmers and farm-related interests in Cook County.
Since 2010, the PAC has made 51 endorsements. Not all incumbents. Not all challengers. Not all major party candidates. But candidates who Governance Committee members felt would make the largest impact on their District and the County.
Members of the Cook CFB PAC Committee are charged with making endorsements. When considering a candidate, members consider the results of the candidates’ interviews, questionnaires, support of Farm Bureau policies, and when applicable, voting record.
Of the candidates running for Cook County office, Governance Committee members interviewed candidates for Cook County Board and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District.
For Cook County Board District 14, PAC members interviewed incumbent Commissioner Gregg Goslin and challenger Democrat Scott Britton. Goslin has long been an advocate for more efficient use of taxpayers’ resources. As a 2018 Friend of the Farm Bureau, Goslin stood firm against the beverage tax and other fee and tax increases. PAC members were impressed by Britton’s resume and experience but disheartened by his desire to incorporate all unincorporated areas. For Cook County Board District 14 it’s incumbent Gregg Goslin.
PAC members met with both incumbent Commissioner Timothy Schneider and his Democrat opponent Kevin Morrison in the race for Cook County Board District 15. Schneider is a vocal opponent of tax and fee increases and is a strong advocate for small businesses. Schneider, like Goslin, is a 2018 Friend of the Farm Bureau recipient and a leader on the repeal of the Cook County beverage tax. We were disheartened by his opponent Kevin Morrison’s refusal to commit to no new or increased taxes. For Cook County Board District 15 it’s incumbent Timothy Schneider.
Unfortunately, incumbent Commissioner Sean Morrison’s opponent, Abdelnasser Rashid cancelled his meeting with the PAC and opted not to reschedule despite numerous opportunities to do so. Since his appointment in 2015, Commissioner Sean Morrison has been a vocal advocate for reducing the size and overreach of Cook County government. Sean Morrison, like his colleagues Goslin and Schneider, was named 2018 Friend of the Farm Bureau recipient in recognition of his outstanding voting record on issues of importance to Farm Bureau. For Cook County Board District 17 it’s incumbent Sean Morrison.
The November ballot will not only be full of candidates for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, but it will be one of the most confusing MWRD ballots. Voters will have the opportunity to elect three individuals to six-year seats and two individuals to two-year terms. Adding to the confusion is that many people don’t know exactly what the District does. Simply put, MWRD handles what you rinse down the drain and what is flushed down your toilet.
PAC members met with virtually all candidates with the exception of a handful who did not respond to interview requests. For the six-year seats, incumbent Commissioner Debra Shore has 12 years on the board and has long been an advocate for innovative treatment methods and new avenues for nutrient reduction and possible reuse. Shore is also an outspoken advocate for an Inspector General for the District. Shore’s colleague, Kari Steele is a chemist and recently became a licensed real estate agent to learn more about property management and valuation since the District is one of the largest land owners in Cook County. For MWRD six-year seats it’s incumbents Commissioners Debra Shore and Kari Steele.
For one of the two-year seats, the PAC met with Kimberly Neely Dubuclet a former state representative from 2011 to 2013 and current director of legislative and community affairs for the Chicago Park District. Although the MWRD operates differently than the statehouse, Dubuclet brings a wealth of legislative experience. For the two-year term it’s Kimberly Neely Dubuclet.
Members are reminded to vote on November 6.