100 Years of Cook County Farm Bureau!
On March 28, 2020, Cook County Farm Bureau will be holding an open house for members and the public to come together to celebrate the 100year birthday of Cook County Farm Bureau.
As a part of that event and for several weeks following, the planning committee would like to create historical displays for public viewing made up of memorabilia and artifacts that can help tell the story of agriculture’s evolution and the Farm Bureau’s growth over the past 100 years.
We are asking members to check your attics, closets, bookshelves and basement storage areas for items that can help us chronicle agricultural and Farm Bureau history in Cook County. We also welcome any affiliated company history such as Lake–Cook Farm Service Supply, Country Companies, etc.
Items may include photographs, member signs, clothing, newspapers, lapel pins, old “give-a-away” promotional items, documents, and other keep sakes.
If there is a story behind the item, please share that with us as well. We will be pleased to credit you and your family. Items can be provided on loan or donated.
We hope to be able to partially recreate the evolution of Agriculture and the Cook County Farm Bureau through the power of memory items!
Please contact the Cook County Farm Bureau at 708-354-3276 or email us at [email protected] for more information.