Farm Bureau Strives to Protect Working Animals
Cook County Farm Bureau® in partnership with the Horsemen’s Council of Illinois drafted and introduced legislation to create the Local Working Animal Protection Act to ensure individuals the opportunity to use animals such as horses.
The Act defines "working animal" and provides that the right to utilize working animals for the benefit and welfare of the animals or those they serve is guaranteed.
It Provides that no ordinance or rule shall be enacted by a unit of local government, including a home rule unit, that terminates, bans, effectively bans, or creates an undue financial hardship relating to the job or use of working animals or animal enterprise in commerce, service, legal hunting, agriculture, husbandry, transportation, or ranching, including, but not limited to, entertainment, education, or exhibition.
The proposed changes do not alter state law or rules that regulate animal care, public health, or public safety; or prevent the establishment of or alteration of ordinances or rules by a unit of local government regarding animal care, public health, or public safety.
House Bill 4123 is currently referred to the House Cities and Villages Committee. Farm Bureau is engaging with legislators to educate them on this issue and to advocate for its eventual passage.