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CCFB News» June 2020

Five Things members should know about the Cook County Farm Bureau's affiliation with COUNTRY Financial®

06/03/2020 @ 12:15 pm

1. Farmers from the Illinois Farm Bureau® started COUNTRY Financial in 1925 to bring fire protection insurance coverage to Illinois farms.


2. The Illinois Farm Bureau and COUNTRY Financial Insurance was headquartered many years in the city of Chicago until 1959 when the organization moved to the more central location in the state in Bloomington, Illinois.


3. The COUNTRY Financial companies of Country Mutual Insurance Company and Country Preferred Insurance Company remain exclusive to “members only” privilege.


4. The Cook County Farm Bureau has worked with local COUNTRY Financial Representatives to create a strong working relationship that provides great value to members and clients.


5. The Cook County Farm Bureau is proud of our relationship with local COUNTRY Financial Agencies and the strength, success, growth, customer service, and product protections provided to members through COUNTRY Financial reps.

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