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CCFB News» August 2020

Cook County Finance Policy

08/02/2020 @ 4:10 pm

As a grassroots organization, Cook County Farm Bureau’s policy is the direct result of member input. Given members’ concerns about Cook County’s finances, Farm Bureau leaders have developed the following policy regarding Cook County finances.  


Cook County Finance

Government economic policies should be designed to encourage economic stability, increase productivity, improve our competitive advantage, and promote a high level of economic prosperity. Taxes should encourage, not penalize, success and encourage savings, investment, and entrepreneurship.


We support:

  1. A sound tax system that incorporates fairness, responsiveness, stability, and efficiency.
  2. A balanced budget accomplished through spending restraint and reducing the rate of government growth, rather than by increasing taxes.
  3. The elimination of the one percent sales tax increase implemented July of 2008 and July of 2015.
  4. A reduction in the county sales tax levy to a level that is competitive with neighboring counties in order that businesses are not adversely affected.


We oppose increased taxes unless accompanied by significant spending cuts.


Members are encouraged to contact Bona Heinsohn at 708-354-3276 or via email at [email protected] to discuss.

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