IAA Foundation capping 2020 fundraising with online auction
The IAA Foundation, the charitable arm of the Illinois Farm Bureau, is taking its auction online to benefit Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom (IAITC). Online bidding will happen Nov. 30 through Dec. 7.
The foundation is accepting donations by Nov. 4 for the auction that traditionally occurs at the Illinois Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, which is also virtual this year. Last year, the foundation raised more than $29,000 from its live and silent auctions.
In addition, the foundation will offer an online Country Store with Farm Bureau apparel, children’s ag books, and ag-themed notecards.
To date, the foundation has raised nearly $42,000 from an Aug. 10 Golf Outing at the Elks Country Club, Pontiac. About 100 golfers and 20 volunteers participated.
A new fundraising event, AgVenture Challenge, was canceled due to COVID-19, but the foundation hopes the family-friendly activity can be held in 2021.
Auction donors should consider how items will fit online auction parameters, especially shipping to the winning bidder. Popular items include hand-crafted objects, local goods, farm collectibles, sports memorabilia, and potential holiday gifts.
A completed donation form should accompany each donated item and may be left with the item, emailed or submitted online.
Donations may be taken to the IFB office in Bloomington or several county Farm Bureau offices serving as drop-off locations. Those county Farm Bureaus include Rock Island, Warren-Henderson, Peoria, Kendall-Grundy, Kane, Ford-Iroquois, Coles, Cass-Morgan, Macon, Edwards County, Williamson, and Washington.
“We are grateful to each of our sponsors, especially at the Harvesting Opportunities level, for graciously continuing to support our mission, even with the challenges this year has given us,” said Jennifer Smith, foundation development manager.
“Thank you to those who continue to support IAITC – whether by golfing, donating an item, bidding, or making a store purchase or donation,” added Breanne Beisiegel, foundation operations and communications specialist. “Together, we can ensure that IAITC continues to reach students across Illinois.”