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CCFB News» January 2021


01/04/2021 @ 3:45 pm | By Bob Rohrer CAE, FBCM, Manager

Have you ever seen the reality show “Alone”? My wife and I have been watching reruns of this History channel show recently.  The basic concept is 10 people are dropped into a remote location of the world featuring an unfriendly climate, with bare minimum of tools and supplies and no contact from the outside in a competition to see who can survive alone the longest. While I enjoy the romance of survivalist mentality, I am realistic enough with myself to know that I would not last long at all…I really, really don’t like to be cold, hungry or be eaten by predators.


Just imagine if one of these competitors was dropped off in the wilderness at the beginning of 2020 and then just returned to our civilized world now… What would they think of today’s world? Pandemic! I can see them heading right back to the woods…do not pass GO.


I am one of those people who annually puts New Year’s resolutions in writing. I view these resolutions as goals and promises to myself with the approach that it is bad practice to break promises to one’s self.


As the year 2021 rapidly approached, I was recently reviewing my 2020 New Year’s resolutions. I develop my New Year’s resolutions around the major categories influencing my life … Financial/Home-Improvement Assets, Travel, Physical, Mental/Spiritual, Spousal/Family, and Work. I am typically good at following through on my New Year’s resolutions although those in the “it would be nice” category sometimes fall a bit flat.


I did “check” the box on some of my 2020 resolutions but Covid changed the world and my ability to achieve meet some of my resolutions. I cannot give myself high grade marks (maybe a passing grade?) on achieving my 2020 resolutions.  What disturbs me most was falling short in some of the areas which Covid should have enhanced my achievements (Mental/Spiritual and Spousal/Family). With the amount of time spent sequestered at home, I certainly do not have any excuses to fall short in these areas!


It is fun to reflect on the resolutions that I should have made in 2020 such as…

  • Buy stock in Zoom, Netflix, Peloton and Procter & Gamble
  • Hoard toilet paper and hand sanitizer
  • Start a groceries shopping company
  • Create a boring reality show called “Homebody”
  • Invent a flu-like vaccination. I will call it the Covid vaccine


If only I had a DeLorean time machine!


As I looked forward to the year 2021 and resolutions… I thought “at least it’s not 2020”. Hopefully 2021 does not end up being a bad sequel like “___________”(fill in your favorite movie bomb).


Whether you make resolutions or not, it is our Cook County Farm Bureau wish for members in 2021 to enjoy quality physical health, mental health, spiritual health, emotional health, relational health, and financial health. And I will throw in world peace for good measure!


I would love to share some of our Cook County Farm Bureau “Almost” resolutions as we move into 2021…plans that help make your organization special.


  • We will provide a week dedicated to celebrating the member (we have creatively dubbed it Member Appreciation Week).
  • We will work with partners to create a Pollinator Garden on the grounds of the Cook County Farm Bureau (we have creatively dubbed it The Pollinator Garden)
  • We will continue efforts of social to support those in need of food and warm clothing by supporting Food pantries throughout the county (Food checkout Day, Food pantry grants, Member contributions and more)
  • We will transition our standard, in-person approach Part 2 Ag in the Classroom presentation to an interactive video/virtual live presentation similar to our Part 1 transition that has become so wildly popular with Cook County schools during the pandemic.
  • We will develop more virtual tours of farms and agriculture related industry that our local elected leaders, classrooms, and member connections have found so fascinating. (Lunch and Learn tours)


And under the category of more of the same…


  • We will develop and maintain strong working relationships with our newly elected and existing legislative leaders locally, at the state level and at the national level.
  • We will help area farmers market their products and services to area consumers.
  • We will continue create and provide unique and essential membership programs, activities, benefits, and services using videoconference, web-based, conference call, in-person or hybrid approaches.
  • We will actively watch for member needs and trends to timely assist as appropriate.


To put an “!”on the strangeness of the 2020 year, the Cook County Farm Bureau staff Christmas luncheon was conducted on Zoom while eating Jimmy John’s sandwiches. And much to my surprise, it was quite enjoyable!

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