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CCFB News» January 2021

The Board of Directors approved the following...Organizational goals and Objectives for 2021

01/06/2021 @ 3:00 pm
  • Surface and develop voting member based organizational policy while providing reliable, accurate, and common-sense information to elected officials and their staffs to build a dialogue between the organization and policy makers.
  • Provide effective and open communications (through a variety of venues including social media) to bridge the agricultural knowledge gap between Cook County agriculture and our urban neighbors and consumers.
  • Teach primary, middle, and high school students and teachers about farmers and agriculture through quality virtual and hybrid methods.
  • Provide a continuous stream of information and tools that help farmers and potential farmers succeed financially in Cook County.
  • Reverse the net loss trend of membership within the organization through regular contact, engagement, new member recruitment, and membership benefits/services.
  • Gain greater readership of the Co-Operator and increase open rates of E-Cooperator.
  • Increase involvement within the organization by Professional Members, Young Leaders, and nonactive members through a Volunteer Management System


The goals will be the focus of the efforts by the Board of Directors, volunteers from the six teams of the organization, staff, and partners of the CCFB.

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