Teaching Students About Ag Careers
Our new farm shadow program is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain valuable insight into potential agriculture careers. Through partnerships with our Farm Bureau Professional Members working within the ag industry, we hope to provide middle and high school students with an understanding of how their coursework connects to the variety of jobs in our field so they will come away with a better understanding of the skills needed to be successful. We want our area’s enthusiastic, bright minds to seek agricultural careers through this program.
Our speakers will explain careers that are available in our industry both here in Cook County as well as throughout the U.S. Examples of careers include Agricultural Sales & Marketing, Agricultural Engineering, Agriculture Teacher, Horticulturist, Farm Bureau Manager, Greenhouse Management, Food Nutrition/Dietician, Historical Farm Livestock Management, Turf Management, Sustainability Specialist, farmer, and much more.
Presentations will be available beginning March 1 on a limited basis and can be requested from the Foundation. Teachers can select a career they would like their students to learn about and we will partner them with a guest speaker to arrange a date, time, and delivery platform for the program.
While our speaker will provide an overview of their education and job functions, we will reserve the vast majority of time for student questions.
If you would like more information, feel free to contact Diane Merrion, Ag Literacy Coordinator, via email at [email protected]. This free program is supported through the Cook County Farm Bureau Foundation.