Downwind"I Give Thanks"
People radiating with positive energy. I am envious. Sometimes, I get bogged down in today’s world. The news is negative. Politics remain bitter and nasty. Regulations are growing. Inflation has hit us all. Taxing bodies are seeking more of their “fair share”.
With so much negative energy coming at me, it is sometimes easy to forget how good I have it. The United States remains the best place in the world to live. Emphasize the positives and the spirit grows lighter.
I’m feeling a little extra “thanks” in my heart and it’s just bursting to get out! Thanksgiving in the summer…I could handle a Thanksgiving dinner in July (or every day, for that matter).
Thinking about great food is something that lifts my spirit. Summer is packed with some of my favorite food choices all compliments to the many farmers that work so hard to provide food wonderfulness!
In the spirit of joy and positivity, I want to truly thank the following folks:
- Dairy farmers for providing amazing cheese and butter products that are a part of nearly every meal I enjoy…cheese and butter makes everything taste better.
- Chicken farmers for my weekend egg sandwich (accompanied by fan favorites of cheddar cheese, bacon, and butter on a perfectly toasted English muffin…the ideal follow up to a hard early morning workout).
- Corn farmers for high fructose corn syrup (and the creators of energy drinks)…I could not effectively provide sufficient “sweat equity” without this essential hot weather fuel.
- Soybean farmers for the “secret ingredient” in my wife’s homemade popcorn…is popcorn the perfect snack or what?
- Avocado farmers for the guacamole to make those corn chips delectable…are chips and dip the perfect snack or what?
- Pork farmers that provide a center cut chop carefully designed to “wow” the family and guests on the patio…sometimes they even express a “wow” backwards which sounds the same.
- Hops farmers that create downtime amber beverages for the warm days in the oak tree’s shade of that same patio…oak trees are a truly amazing creation and gift.
- Greenhouse farmers for providing the joy of flowers in the tender and loving care of my wife’s gloves…flower colors are popping everywhere.
- Produce farmers for some amazing vegetables this summer…is there anything better than a freshly grown tomato for a BLT sandwich?
- Sweetcorn farmers for the providing pure corn on the cob heaven smothered in butter and salt…yes, I will have a 2nd ear!
- Beef farmers for perfectly marbled ribeyes requiring mere minutes of 600 ͦcharcoal heat to begin the melting process in my mouth…knife optional.
- Watermelon farmers for making public spitting and chin dribble an acceptable part of food consumption…is drool also acceptable?
Summer remains my favorite season with food serving as a major reason. With Covid shutdowns and restrictions hopefully in our rearview mirror, barbecues, picnics, and gatherings with family and friends will now hold an extra special meaning. Enjoy the great summer food opportunities!
To the above list of farmers and their wonderful products, I give thanks!