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CCFB News» July 2021

Seeking Associate members to upgrade their membership to PM

07/12/2021 @ 9:45 am

Professional (PM) memberships are designed for those individuals who do not farm but work within the agriculture industry. The membership dues are only $36 per year. Associate members that are working in an agriculture related job or an agriculturally related career are eligible for an upgrade of membership from an Associate membership to Professional membership.


The PM membership is designed for those that may have farm connections and seek to offer that greater connection to the world of agriculture, local farms, and food. As a PM member, you will be provided opportunities to advocate for area farms and farmers, promote local foods in global trade, support farmland protection, champion hunger relief and awareness, protect natural resources, and defend property rights.


This membership upgrade provides the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors, participate as a part of our leadership teams, join the FB ACT (Agricultural Contact Team) to communicate to legislators and policymakers, provide input and direction on policy matters, vote in Cook County Farm Bureau organizational matters, and receive the award-winning FarmWeek publication which will keep you up to date on the world of farming in Illinois.


And, from now through August 31, 2021, the first 15 new PM members to join or reclassify from A to PM will receive a special gift, a pillow pet tractor (a stuffed chenille toy from AGCO—Oliver, Masset-Ferguson, or Challenger).


Should you choose to upgrade, your membership dues will remain unchanged until the next renewal period beginning November 1, 2021.


This is a great opportunity to step into more of a leadership role within the organization. We welcome your membership reclassification from an Associate member to a Professional member.

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