Attention Voting Members
The Cook County Farm Bureau Board of Directors will be conducting a business only Annual Meeting on November 10, for the Voting Members of the Cook County Farm Bureau. Voting members may attend the Annual Meeting or may “date” and “sign” the proxy printed below and return it by November 5 to the office. Printed below is the Official Notice and a copy of the agenda. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Bob Rohrer, Manager, CCFB at 708-354-3276.
- Reading of notice
- Determining quorum
- Call to order
- Reading and disposal of any unapproved minutes
- Reports of officers and committees
- Unfinished business
- New business
- Appointment of tellers
- Election of directors
- Adjournment
The Nominating Committee has nominated the following slate of directors for election of a two-year term:
- James Bloomstrand
- James Gutzmer
- Janet McCabe
- Michael Rauch
- Mark Yunker
- Ruth Zeldenrust
Proxies were sent to voting members and we encourage return to the office by November 5, 2021.