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CCFB News» July 2022

5 Questions for Melanie SenneCCFB Operational Finance Manager


What impresses you about the Farm Bureau and its Members, Board, Team, and coworkers?


It always amazes me how the people of the Farm Bureau step-up in a time of need without hesitation; almost as if we’re family. Recently, it was heartwarming to see the people of the Farm Bureau provide comfort and offerings of help to those affected by the passing of one of our beloved Board Members. During COVID, our Food Pantry program assisted so many families in need which would not have been possible without the support from those of the Farm Bureau. We seem to come together not just through our programming but with everyday life. It truly is a Farm Bureau Family!


What did you want to be growing up?


Apparently, I’m living my dream maintaining finances for the Farm Bureau, Foundation, and PAC as I always wanted to be in the accounting field. Numbers and money come naturally to me without a thought. As a child, my mom would give me $20 to get groceries for the week’s dinners and I’d make it happen; sometimes with change back (shh!). Upon taking that first accounting class in middle school, I was hooked…luckily for the Farm Bureau.


What is your favorite job within the Cook County Farm Bureau?


So, I’ve acquired this side gig here, ”Maintenance Mel” which is not my ideal thing (see the question below) until the weather warms up and outside building maintenance is in its prime. Just last week, I was in my glory out there placing the flowers in their beds on the Farm Bureau grounds. It’s nice to get away from the desk for a bit…and the tan is a nice perk!


What job do you prefer to avoid?


Is it possible that your favorite job is also the one you like to avoid? Yes, it is! During those winter months, Maintenance Mel is not so much fun with the shoveling and salting. Then there’s the unpleasantries of anything related to the bathroom. And the contractors - there’s not enough space here for that list. It sure makes for interesting days though.


What is your favorite tractor?


From a very young age, my Pops instilled in me that the Sennes are a Deere family; bust out that green and yellow. One of my fondest memories of my Dad was being in the field when the tractor stalled and he told me to go get the lil’ Deere to bring the fuel can. I was so excited to drive it by myself that I brought him an empty can!

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