Cook County Commissioners Named 'Friend of the Farm Bureau'
Numerous Cook County Commissioners were named ‘Friend of the Farm Bureau’ in recognition of their voting records on issues related to Farm Bureau policy including revisions to the county’s ethic ordinance, public facing rules, tax district debt disclosure ordinance, Independent Revenue Forecasting Commission, and a resolution naming Monarch Month.
Commissioners receiving the ‘Friend of the Farm Bureau’ award are:
Alma Anaya, district 7
John Daley, district 11
Dennis Deer, district 2
Bridget Degnen, district 12
Brandon Johnson, district 1
Bill Lowry, district 3
Donna Miller, district 6
Stanley Moore, district 4
Kevin Morrison, district 15
Sean Morrison, district 17
‘Friend of the Farm Bureau’ awards are determined based on an elected official’s voting record and are purchased using political action committee funds. All awards are (or will be) properly reported to the Illinois State Board of Elections.