Forest Preserve Ballot Questions
In November, voters will be asked to approve or deny a property tax increase of 0.025% or less than $1.66 per month for the majority of property owners.
Proponents of the measure argue that the funds are needed to protect, restore, and expand the forest preserves to ensure clean air and drinking water and reduce area flooding. Cook County Farm Bureau® has not joined the “Vote Yes” coalition in support of the property tax increase. At the end of 2021, CCFB Board of Directors opted not to support the referendum due to numerous concerns about the use of the funds.
Common questions that we’ve received regarding the proposal include:
What will the new funding be used for?
Ballot language is often confusing and cumbersome. In general, the funds can be used for a variety of purposes including funding projects to improve air and water quality, reduced flooding, and wildlife protection throughout Cook County. Additionally, the Forest Preserves will use the new funding to address deferred maintenance on public lands, acquire new lands, and resolve pension shortfalls.
When will this question be on my ballot?
The question has been approved by the Forest Preserve District board and will appear on the November 2022 ballot. Applications for mail-in ballots were available beginning August 10. In-person early voting will begin October 2. Election Day is November 8. Residents who are not registered to vote may register and cast their ballot on Election Day with two qualifying forms of identification.
Members are encouraged to contact Bona Heinsohn at [email protected] with questions or concerns. Additional information about the referendum will also be available in October.