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CCFB News» December 2022


12/01/2022 @ 8:30 am | By Bob Rohrer, Manager

Dear Santa,


I thought you might not be real but then I found your Facebook page. I hope that the recent META layoffs don’t end up damaging your communications with your many fans this season.


From the movies I watched about you, you seem quite powerful, and you certainly seem to be a fan of “good”. I believe that I’ve been a very good Farm Bureau manager this past year. Therefore, I thought I would draft a letter to you with some requests in case you would be willing to make a difference.


Here are some items on my wish list…


For our farmer members, I wish for

  • Weather, the good kind (rain sometimes and not other times) for great yields
  • Customers, demand, and trade
  • Reduced input costs
  • Health, both physical and mental
  • A shiny new tractor or side-by-side under everyone’s tree
  • Low interest rates. There are a lot of people trying to get operating loans for their farm business and to purchase equipment necessary for farming.
  • Free time - it seems so rare these days
  • A barn cat (and a barn if you have one handy)
  • Hope. Hope provides the power to believe that anything is possible. Perhaps a fresh start. Perhaps a second chance. Perhaps improved relationships. Perhaps the assurance of opportunity.


And for our non-farmer members

  • The gift of low inflation, especially in the area of fuel, natural gas, housing, and food. Our members could use some relief and wages are not keeping up.
  • The gift of patience and peace – locally, in our country, and worldwide. As you well know, nobody wins with hatred, division, and wars.
  • Free time - it seems so rare these days
  • Health, both physical and mental
  • Climate change in the hearts of the angry people. Help melt their cold “ice cap” hearts.
  • A shiny new automobile or scooter under everyone’s tree
  • The end of mosquitoes, except for the good ones
  • Low interest rates. There are a lot of people trying to purchase and sell property and houses.
  • Hope. Hope provides the power to believe that anything is possible. Perhaps a fresh start. Perhaps a second chance. Perhaps improved relationships. Perhaps the assurance of opportunity.


I know this is a lot, so please, don’t worry about me. I don’t need much other than Cubs games back on regular TV…and butter.



Your pal, Bobby Rohrer, Cook County Farm Bureau


P.S. I did think of something else. If you could do a little something about that knee pain that I’ve been experiencing lately, I’d appreciate it. It makes me crabby.


P.P.S. I hope that you’re not having any issues getting elves to work for you. Many businesses in our area are having troubles filling positions. We could use a part-time maintenance person here at the Farm Bureau.


P.P.P.S. Santa - If you’re not a member of the Cook County Farm Bureau, we would welcome you! Give us a call at the office or you can join online. I’m pretty sure some of your elves and helpers are already members.

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