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CCFB News» March 2024

Master Gardener Help Desk Re-Opens with a Hot Topic

03/05/2024 @ 1:30 pm

Master Gardener Help Desk Re-Opens with a Hot Topic


Cicadas - Timed to perfection: Cicada's biological clock determines emergence


The Cook County Farm Bureau® and the University of Illinois Extension continue to partner on a project that benefits local Farm Bureau members and the general public. Master Gardeners are available to answer questions from members and the general public related to gardening and horticulture.


Master Gardeners are available through the Cook County Farm Bureau by emailing [email protected] or calling the Cook County Farm Bureau at 708-354-3276.


General topic areas that can be addressed include soil test recommendations, plant disease issues and treatments, horticulture related questions, pest identification and treatment, and more. Commercial related questions will be forwarded to the University of Illinois Extension professional staff.



  • Plan ahead to protect young fruit trees from 17-year periodical cicadas emerging in Ma, Purdue article:



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