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CCFB News» September 2024

Downwind“Office life snapshot”

09/03/2024 @ 8:00 am | By Bob Rohrer, CCFB Manager

The Cook County Farm Bureau office is like a living organism. In the office, people (that are living) called “Staff” provide daily energy, problem-solving, resource engagement, motivation, people skills, service, brainpower, physical strength, and many intangibles.


Each day, you will find CCFB Staff busily working away at a myriad of tasks to develop programming, educational materials, planning, finance, lobbying, publications, membership benefits, research, building needs, and so much more. Collectively, the group functions together by providing great service to members and the public alike.

Increasingly prevalent is that the office and staff serve as “information central”. Back in 2010, during a Board of Directors strategic planning brainstorming session, one of the board goals identified was for the Cook County Farm Bureau to become a clearinghouse for agricultural information as an area resource center. We have certainly moved in that direction and beyond.


The phone rings constantly with questions from members and nonmembers alike. Emails flow into general office mail, through our website, and through Facebook with various questions or and requests for resources.


Many farm related questions that come in I would naturally expect to receive as a general farm organization. Others are a bit more “unusual”. The staff shared with me some recent examples. Some make us smile. Some make us think. Some make us a little uncomfortable.


Here are some recent examples followed by my thoughts (not those of the Staff). I removed names to protect the innocent and abbreviated for brevity’s sake.



I would like to start a farm. I’m currently a college student. I love donkeys. I can spend day and night reading about them and/or being near them, if I could. I don’t know where to begin with the farm starting process. Let me know what you think. I don’t think you want to know my thoughts!


My name is XXX. I’m from Brasil and am a doctor. With my brother and father, who works with agronomy! We are interested in participate of farm tours in Illinois. Could you give some informations to us? It would be amazing to know about the location, price and dates! Sorry,  not a travel agency.


Good morning – my name is XXX. I helped organize a health and back to school fair for my local community. I am looking for donations of pots and seeds for first time planters. I would like young people to experience the benefits of growing and eating from their own backyard. Teaching our youth about agriculture is terrific!


Good Evening, my name is XXX.I have properly completed August Word Search. On this day August 8,2024 I am submitting via Email at 8:56pm Tuesday. We then received a followup email: I apologize This is XXX. I put incorrect date on August Word Search. I put the 8th. It is actually Tuesday August 6th 2024 At 8:56 Pm. Sorry for that!!! Love the exactness and formality!


Phone calls: 

This is XXX. Conserv FS has asked me for proof of membership in order to continue to provide farm related products for my operation. Would you provide to them a proof of membership note? Of course!


This is XXX. I heard that there may be a bill in Springfield that proposes a change in the definition of agriculture to make it more urban. Could you check to find out more? Not a state bill. We have been working with the Cook County assessor’s office for a farm definition that is more flexible for urban agriculture properties.


This is XXX. I would like to know the status of the Electric vehicle bill that would tie Illinois law to California standards referenced in the April Co-Operator. Held in Committee. We appreciate our members who get involved in the legislative process.


This is XXX. I am cleaning out a barn that has old containers of chemicals that I would like to properly dispose of. Do you know if there is a farm chemical disposal program (coordinated by the Illinois Department of Agriculture) in Cook County or nearby this year? A good example of an area farmer seeking to do the right thing!


This is XXX (not a member). Would you renew my concealed carry license? Sorry…we are not a governmental regulatory agency.


            This is XXX (not a member). I need your help to get rid of my neighbor’s goats. Yikes!

We do receive some common repeat questions through email and phone that include…


  • You offer hotel discounts… I would like to book a room. Sorry, not a travel agency
  • You offer car rental discounts…I would like to rent a car. See above
  • I need to travel to XXX… Would you provide me directions? We double as a mapping app


Finally, there are a few questions we have received from the past that are on our all-time “favorites” list…

  • How do I sell my homemade dog food?
  • Why haven’t I seen many bats lately?
  • My cat died and I want to have it stuffed. Do you do taxidermy?


We love serving members. If you read this and you said, “Hey, I submitted that!” please know that you have earned a special place in the heart of our staff!


Keep those questions and requests coming!

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