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Speakers Bureau

Speakers Bureau members share their experiences in modern agriculture, including commodity production, livestock, vegetable production, horticulture, and food production with interested parties, either onsite or virtually as speaker requests dictate. 


Past topics include: winterizing gardens; GMO testing/safety; farm sanitation; hay and wheat production; technology in agriculture; seed saving; eating local; and canning and food preserving.  Other topic requests can be accommodated.


To request a speaker, contact Bona Heinsohn at (708) 354-3276, or click below to fill out the contact form. The speakers are provided at no cost.


Request A Speaker


Speakers Bureau Accolades

The following letter was received after Speakers Bureau member, Kim Morton presented a training for farmers market owners and employees:


"I had the privilege to hear this presentation right before I had to make a digital story presentation about pesticides. I got a 100% on the digital story because of all of the information I learned the presentation. My professor at Purdue University Calumet, along with my other 12 classmates, were pleasantly surprised with the information I shared with them. What they were most shocked about was that there are only eight crops that are actually GMO. My professor and classmates were surprised that grocery stores would label foods "non-GMO" even though the crops were not GMO to begin with. They were also surprised that organic foods are allowed to be sprayed with certain organic pesticides. Most of them thought that if a crop was organic, the crops were not allowed to be sprayed with anything. It was interesting to see that most people do not actually know what the terms organic and GMO mean even though many people are concerned about pesticides and GMO's in their foods.  

Thank you again! This presentation has taught me a substantial amount that I now can share with others."

- Brittany


The following letter was received after Speakers Bureau members, Janet McCabe, Kim Morton, and Tim Stuenkel presented at the Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School:


"To the members of the Cook County Farm Bureau:

On October 30th, a group of speakers from the Cook County Farm Bureau came to our school to speak to sixth grade students about modern farming techniques.  The speakers explained how farmers try to lessen their impact on the environment.

Janet McCabe, Kim Morton, Tim Stuenkel, and Bona Heinsohn helped our students to understand the importance of the role of farmers and patiently answered all of students' questions.  They related to the students and used just the right level of vocabulary in their explanations.

You should be proud to have such volunteers on staff.  They represent a high level of enthusiasm and professionalism.  They were also very approachable judging by the many questions that the students felt comfortable asking.

On behalf of the Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School and the sixth grade science teachers, we would like to thank the Farm Bureau for this wonderful resource and outreach."

Kathy Spedale, Chris Litsigiannis, Michelle Foley, and Carol Elmore

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