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CCFB News» September 2020

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Record numbers of Illinois students study ag, Join FFA

09/22/2020 @ 7:50 am | By Kay Shipman, Farmweek

Across Illinois, students set records for agriculture class enrollment and for FFA membership, based on recently released 2019-20 school year data.

Family Farm and Food Bytes

09/05/2020 @ 1:30 pm

Fact Check: Pigs aren't Poisonous (Reuters) – Posts on Facebook claim that pigs are “poisonous”, that they are difficult to kill with strychnine or other poisons, that they harbor over a dozen parasites, and that “there is no safe temperature at which pork can be cooked” to ensure that such parasites will be killed. This claim is largely false.

Recipe of the Month

Italian Style Marinated Tomatoes
09/05/2020 @ 9:30 am

The 2020 Cookfresh Recipe Collection is a special “throwback” edition for our 100th year. Recipes selected from decades of submissions to commemorate our Centennial. Recipe booklets are available now.

Horseradish Fun Facts!

09/05/2020 @ 7:00 am

Some facts on Horseradish, From the Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom SM Calendar for Teachers.

Nursery Crops and the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

09/04/2020 @ 3:45 pm

Are you a nursery crop or cut flower producer whose operation has been directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic? The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program provides direct relief to producers who faced price declines and additional marketing costs due to COVID-19.

Agritourism farms striving to safely offer fall famly traditions

09/04/2020 @ 11:30 am

As Cook County area families consider their annual farm fall traditions such as pumpkin patches, apple picking, u-pick vegetables, and other agritourism activities, local farmers are taking steps to protect their staff and guests. Area farmers are doing their best to help guests maintain safe conditions. Families may have to plan ahead, especially during peak fall days.

Constitutional Amendment No Progressive Income Tax Be Prepared for the Ballot

09/04/2020 @ 9:00 am

In November, Illinois voters will consider changes to the Illinois Constitution in Article IX, Section 3. As is currently written, the Illinois Constitution is explicit that a tax on income shall be non-graduated. The amendment would remove this limitation and instead opens the door for lawmakers to pass a new income tax rate structure. If the amendment is approved by voters in November, a new progressive income tax rate structure- already agreed to by lawmakers- would take effect.

Farm Bureau Delivers Meat Donations to Local Food Pantries

09/04/2020 @ 7:00 am

Cook County Farm Bureau® donated two hogs and a lamb to Cook County food pantries, Together we Cope and Elk Grove Township Food Pantry.

The Cook County Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom "Pivots" to Meet Needs

We are here for teachers, homes schoolers and families!
09/03/2020 @ 2:45 pm

The Cook County Farm Bureau Agriculture Literacy Program has demonstrated great resourcefulness and creativity during the past six months of the pandemic in its efforts to support educators, students, and member families. The CCFB Agriculture Literacy Program’s resourcefulness and creativity continues as the new school year begins.

5 Things a member should know about the Cook County Farm Bureau®

Ag Literacy program for the upcoming school year...
09/03/2020 @ 12:15 pm

Five things you should know about Cook County Farm Bureau.

Meet a "face" of the Cook County Farm Bureau

09/03/2020 @ 11:15 am

Each month we are highlighting a Cook County Farm Bureau Member: This month's "Face of CCFB" is... Pat Horcher, owner of Horcher Florist & Greenhouse

At the Farm Gate

Harvest routine brings normalcy during pandemic
09/03/2020 @ 9:00 am | By Joanie Stiers

I hold out hope that the upcoming harvest season delivers a 60-day dose of normalcy, seldom felt since COVID-19 changed our lives. The pandemic-friendly activity naturally isolates us to the cabs of trucks, tractors, and combines. We drive all day yet stay within a 15-mile radius of home. And as usual, our social schedule works around the priority task of harvest, an easier feat this year now that COVID-19 has cleared the calendar.

Plans developing for Centennial virtual historic displays, archives and more

09/02/2020 @ 2:55 pm

When the March 28 100-Year Anniversary Open House “Breakfast at the Farm Bureau” was postponed due to the COVID-19 shelter in place order, we also put on hold the celebration of the 100 years of Cook County Farm Bureau®.

Cook County Braces for Budget Deficit

09/02/2020 @ 12:15 pm

Cook County officials are bracing for a $222 million deficit for fiscal year 2021. Based on the forecast released this summer, revenues are $129 million or 7 percent below the fiscal year 2020 adopted budget and expenses are $92.9 million or 5 percent above the fiscal year 2020 budget.

Get to Know Your Local Official: Sheriff

09/02/2020 @ 10:00 am

The sheriff is the primary law enforcement officer in the county. As the conservator of the peace, the sheriff strives to prevent crime and maintain the safety and order of the citizens in the region. Although the sheriff may enforce laws within the entire county, by professional courtesy, he/she does not do so within individual municipalities, villages, or towns which have their own respective law enforcement agency.

Ag Lit Bit

"Welcome Back to Learning"
09/02/2020 @ 8:35 am | By Diane Merrion

Normally it would be great to say to all of you in September, “Welcome back to school!” This COVID year, however, does not afford me the opportunity to use that phase as I have no idea as of this writing who will be going back to school. I am hopeful that all students will be going to back learning whether it be in-person, remote, via homeschool, or through a hybrid model of some type.

Farm Bureau Awards over $6,000 in Grants to Local Food Pantries

09/01/2020 @ 3:45 pm

The impacts of COVID-19 will be felt for months to come. Families are suffering. Businesses are suffering. Farms are suffering. Together with members, Cook County Farm Bureau® and local farmers growing healthy and nutritious food are poised to provide local food pantries assistance during this difficult time in Illinois and the entire United States.

Manifolds, Manolos and Manure

09/01/2020 @ 11:15 am | By Bona Heinsohn, CAE

I want a belt buckle. A big ole dinner plate of a belt buckle. With engraving. Bling. The whole kit and caboodle. My farmer laughs his butt off at that statement. He knows me. He knows it will collect dust in a drawer. He knows that I would bark at the kids if they get their grimy little fingerprints on it.

Recipe of the Month

Cauliflower Au gratin
09/01/2020 @ 9:00 am

The 2020 Cookfresh Recipe Collection is a special “throwback” edition for our 100th year. Recipes selected from decades of submissions to commemorate our Centennial. Recipe booklets are available now.


"Strange Times Indeed"
09/01/2020 @ 7:20 am | By Bob Rohrer CAE, FBCM, Manager

These are unusual times. Stressful times. Historic times. Today’s life is being directly affected by COVID-19 and the response to it by government, the media, businesses, workers, schools, churches, organizations, and individuals. At this point, there are two channels of thought for most people…

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