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CCFB News» March 2023

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Farm Bureau Working on Food Waste Policy

03/28/2023 @ 4:10 pm

In the United States, 30 to 40 percent of the food supply is never eaten, wasting the resources used to produce it and creating environmental impacts. Food waste is the single most common material landfilled and incinerated in the U.S.

In Illinois 20% of the 19 million tons of general waste that reaches landfills is comprised of food. Nationally, it’s estimated that food loss contributes $161 billion.

Cook County Board Recognizes and Celebrates Agriculture in the County

03/28/2023 @ 1:15 pm

During the March board meeting, Cook County Commissioners approved #23-1426, a resolution celebrating the importance of agriculture in Cook County.

Sponsors include Commissioners Scott Britton, Josina Morita, Sean Morrison, Dennis Deer, Bridget Degnen, Bridget Gainer, Brandon Johnson, Donna Miller, Kevin Morrison, Maggie Trevor, and Alma Anaya.

Other "Stuff" from the World of Agriculture

Spring Tree and Fish Sale
03/13/2023 @ 1:00 pm

The Will – South Cook Soil and Water Conservation District is currently taking orders for the spring tree and fish sale. Plants, shrubs, and trees are available this spring in various starter sizes. Tree orders must be placed by April 12 (prepaid only). Tree order pickup is on April 20-21 during office hours and Saturday, April 22 from 11am-3pm.

We welcome New Voting Members!

03/13/2023 @ 9:30 am

The Cook County Farm Bureau Board of Directors welcomes the following Cook County Farm Bureau members who joined the organization or reclassified their membership recently to Regular* or Professional Status**:

Lamphier re-elected to Chair of the Young Leaders Team

03/10/2023 @ 9:25 am

During the February 8, 2023, Young Leaders Team meeting, the group elected leadership for the Team for the upcoming year.

Presentations Now Available

03/09/2023 @ 1:45 pm

Teachers of fourth through eighth grade students can bring soil science and agriculture into their classroom with AITC’s newest specialty program, “What’s the Dirt on Illinois’ Soil?” During the free, in-person presentation, students will learn about the soils of Illinois and how nutrient-rich soil makes our state an agricultural powerhouse.

Ag Day 2023

Bring your 3rd grade students to the Farm
03/08/2023 @ 2:15 pm

Ag in the Classroom

03/08/2023 @ 11:20 am

Ag in the Classroom Presenter Barbara Bhojraj presented to 22 fourth grade students at Peck Elementary School in Chicago.

Planting Seeds

03/08/2023 @ 9:00 am | By Katrina Milton, Director of Ag Literacy

Growing up rurally, I loved playing outside. Living in the country, I loved riding my bike up and down the long gravel roads, taking photos of crops growing in the fields, butterflies, and wildflowers (a.k.a. weeds) along the ditches. I spent the days of summer vacation monkeying around on my backyard playground set, swimming in our pool, and playing kickball, baseball, and basketball with my cousins. I looked forward to summer vacation not only for a hiatus from homework, but also because I was able to spend time adventuring outdoors.

Local Legislators

03/07/2023 @ 9:30 am

Former Cook County Farm Bureau® President Jim Gutzmer (pictured left) discusses Farm Bureau’s effort in local government advocacy with State Representative Hurley during this year’s Statewide Legislative Reception in Springfield. 

Heinsohn Renews CAE Certification

03/06/2023 @ 11:25 am

Cook County Farm Bureau® staff member, Bona Heinsohn, successfully renewed her Certified Association Executive® (CAE) credential from the CAE Commission of the American Society of Association Executives®, joining more than 4,700 industry leaders worldwide.

Manifolds, Manolos, and Manure

03/06/2023 @ 9:30 am | By Bona Heinsohn, CAE

As Chicago voters faced ballots longer than my favorite corgi is tall, Alderman Matt Martin (47th ward) dared to suggest that Chicago transition to an increasingly popular idea: ranked choice voting.

With ranked choice voting, voters rank candidates by preference. First choice. Second choice. Third pick. All the way down the race.

Save the Date!

Member Appreciation Week
03/05/2023 @ 11:15 am

April 17- April 21, Watch the April edition of the Co-Operator for more details.

Whiskey Acres

03/04/2023 @ 10:30 am

A group representing the Cook County Farm Bureau Board of Directors checked out the value-added farming practices that have been implemented at Whiskey Acres in DeKalb recently.

How the Farm Bureau served YOU in February

03/04/2023 @ 9:45 am

Advocated for Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau policies to Cook County elected officials and their staffs.

Cook County Farm Bureau News

03/03/2023 @ 3:00 pm

There is always a lot of action and activities going on at the Cook County Farm Bureau. Here are some updates to recent activities and programs.

Ag Adventures for Families winner: Roselyn A King

03/03/2023 @ 11:45 am

Roselyn A. King (age 88) was drawn as the winner of the special group of members (25 members were eligible) who entered the Ag Adventures for Families word search every month in 2022.


03/02/2023 @ 11:30 am

Cook County Farm Bureau is dedicated to bridging the gap between farmers and our urban neighbors, our volunteers enable us to share the importance of agriculture with consumers, youth, members, legislators, and the general public. Our volunteers enable us to achieve our mission.

At the Farm Gate

Farming: A job with as many boots and hats
03/02/2023 @ 9:15 am | By Joanie Stiers

Before the first puddles of spring arrived, I would rummage through the supply of hand-me-down rubber boots, searching for the size that our young kids had grown into for the season. The appropriate footwear lined the back hall, ready for water to pond in the driveway.

Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman

Documentary Screening and Panel
03/02/2023 @ 8:00 am

Mar.14 at 6 p.m. | Historic Wagner Farm

Women in Agriculture Series

03/01/2023 @ 2:25 pm

The SIU Medicine Center for Rural Health and Social Service Development Farm Family Resource Initiative presents Women in Agriculture Series

Recipe of the Month

Frito Corn Salad
03/01/2023 @ 11:15 am

Recipe printed with permission from Illinois Farm Families/IFB


"What's Hot in 2023"
03/01/2023 @ 8:30 am | By Bob Rohrer, Manager

The Illinois Farm Families coalition has named 2023 “The Year of the Farmer”. To help promote it, the coalition kicked off a campaign called “We are the 96” during the Super Bowl on February 12.

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